Activities 2006-2007


My professional activities for the academic year from July 2006 to June 2007 include the following:photo of Sant'Anselmo, Rome


Activities, July 2006 – June 2007.

A.1.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected opening prayers of Sundays and feasts, The Tablet (weekly from 18 March 2006 – 4 March 2007, thereafter occasionally).

A.2.Presenter: Landings training workshop, St. Benedict’s Parish, Ealing, London, England, 29 – 30 September 2006.

A.3.Interview given: “Amerikaanse benedictijn en liturgist Daniel McCarthy, ‘Je moet de traditie kennen om creatief te zijn’”, Tertio Millennio, 345 (20 September 2006) 10.

A.4.Instructor: “The Liturgy of the Word” (an introduction to the liturgical theology of the Liturgy of the Word), Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London, sessions 9 September – 7 October 2006.

A.5.Instructor, “Academia Latinitatis Aestiva 1”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London. 5 hours instruction daily, 4 – 8 September 2006.

A.6.Participant: Architettura e Arti per la Liturgia, Sant’Anselmo, 1999-2000, 2005-2007.

A.7.Participant: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, “St Benedict and the Future of Europe”, public lecture at Sant’Anselmo, Rome, 21 November 2006.

A.8. Instructor: “The Christmas Collects” (an examination of the collects of the Christmas season from their Latin text), Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London, 30 December 2006.

A.9.Participant: Pontifical Institute of Liturgy faculty tour of Istanbul, 10 – 16 April 2007. A private audience and lunch with the Ecumenical Patriarch His Holiness Bartholomew I on the Octave of Easter, 15 April.

A.10.Participant: Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, “Per ritus et preces. Sacramental Symbolism in the Liturgy”, Ninth International Conference of Liturgy held at the Gregorian University, Rome, 16 – 18 May 2007. Proceedings in preparation.


Activities, July 2005 – June 2006.

A.1.Landings training workshop given, Diocese of Plymouth, Devon, England, 16 July 2005.

A.2.Instructor: The Structure of Roman Prayer (an introductory university level half – course), Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London, 10 September – 2 October 2005.

A.3.Landings training workshop given, Deanery of High Wycombe, England, 30 September – 1 October 2005.

A.4.Landings training workshop given, Deanery of Walsall, England, 8 October 2005.

A.5.Participant: Pontificio istituto liturgico, Sant’Anselmo, “Decretum ‘Maximae redemptiónis nostrae mysteria’ 50 anni dopo (1955-2005)”, public lecture, Sant’Anselmo, 17 November 2005.

A.6.Participant: Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti, “Musica Sacra: una sfida liturgica e pastorale”, study day on the occasion of the forty-second anniversary of the publication of Sacrosanctum Concilium by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (4 December 1963), Aula Nuova del Sinodo, Città del Vaticano, 5 December 2005.

A.7.Participant: Environment and Art Seminar of the North American Academy of Liturgy, San Diego, CA, 5 – 8 January 2006.

A.8.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected opening prayers of Sundays and feasts, The Tablet (weekly from 18 March 2006 – 4 March 2007, thereafter occasionally).

A.9.Participant: The Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National   Office of Cultural Patrimony of the Italian Conference of Bishops, “Lo spazio liturgico e il suo orientamento”, IV International liturgical conference, Bose, Italia 1 – 3 June 2006. Proceedings: ed. G. Boselli (Liturgia e Vita), Edizioni Qiqajon, Comunità di Bose, Magnano 2007.

Activities, July 2007 – and prospective

Activities July 1999 – June 2005 

Activities prior to July 1999