
Currently I teach two different series of courses in alternating years.

In 2019-2020 I shall offer the following during the first (Autumn) semester:

Presiedere l’assemblea, is a lecture course on presiding in the liturgical assembly.

Ritual Model, is a seminar with lectures and offers the fullest presentation of my synthesis for arranging a church for the celebration of liturgy.

In 2019-2020 I shall offer the following during the second (Spring) semester:

Modelli della ritualità, is a lecture course on the three arrangements for churches that come from the discussions held at the Second Vatican Council.

Interpretative keys, is a seminar with lectures and offers the fullest presentation of the four interpretative keys developed by Prof. James Leachman and myself.

In 2020-2021 I anticipate offering the four courses last offered in 2018-2019. During the first (Autumn) semester I anticipate offering:

During the second (Spring) semester I anticipate offering:

Collects, a lecture course that presents a clear understanding of the Latin text of selected collects, then understood using the four interpretative keys developed by Prof. James Leachman and myself.